Book Review: The Spirit Engineer, by AJ West

I stared across the room as a shape emerged from the darkness. A figure, its head covered by a long, black shroud. Slowly, a set of pale fingers appeared from beneath the table, pulling away the material to reveal a crown of dark hair, parted at the scalp as if scratched into the air with …

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Book Review: Rawblood, by Catriona Ward

"Rawblood. Home. It sounds like a battle, like grief, but it’s a gentle name. ‘Raw’ from ‘Sraw’, which means ‘flowing’, for the Dart River that runs nearby. ‘Blood’ from ‘Bont’, a bridge. Old words. The house by the bridge over flowing water. It has been in my family since I don’t know when. Rawblood is us and we, the Villarcas, are Rawblood."

2023 five-star reads… so far!

We have reached the mid-way point of the year, which for many of us means warm weather and reading in the sunshine! I have read around 50 books so far this year, some new, some new-to-me, and some that have been lingering on my shelved (both physical and virtual) for far too long! Looking back over what I've read so far this year, I thought I'd share the ones that I consider my five-star reads (or, in the style of this blog, five cats...)!

2022 Top 15

I’ve read 85 books this year, and all have had something to enjoy in them; so narrowing down my favourites has been tricky! A top 10 proved too hard, so I have put together a top 15 that I particularly enjoyed reading this year, and which represent my favourite genres — mystery, crime, historical fiction, literary fiction and a dash of fantasy and horror!